Monday, June 10, 2013

One month break

I’m going to take a one-month blogging beak and return July 4th. I’m feeling good, but I don’t have a lot t say at the moment. There is really nothing to report that is of any value to anyone (cancer-wise) I mean. I’m just having the same  struggles everyone else is having.

There are a couple of other writing projects I want to embrace, but time is so tight.

I guess I could post those and entertain you guys. Hmmmm.

No! that’s not what I’m gong to do. I’m taking a big, blogging break. If anything changes I’ll start posting again.

See ya!


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Doing okay

Okay cancer stuff –

I’ve had a couple of scares in recent weeks, but I feel pretty darn good right now, so I should be more positive. I’ve had a grey cloud hanging around me in recent weeks and I’m not quite sure where that comes from. Who knows? I feel like I’m getting better about it.

I just finished installing a big sink counter top thing in my bathroom along with faucets and new paint. It kicked my heiney. It surely did. I would like to think it is from low platelets, or neuropathy, or some other cancer kind of thing, but I’m pretty sure it is getting a tad older. Damn! It just wore me out. And I still have the trim work to do.

I stopped lifting weights this year because all the doctors say I should focus on cadio stuff in lieu of resistance stuff. I’m thinking of sneaking in some of those exercise bands and slowly getting back to the weights. Sneaking around behind my doctors’ backs if you will. Heh, heh, heh.

I am tired though. I need a vacation where all I do is wake up, get my coffee, go back to bed, and read and nap. That would be heaven.

That’s it! See ya,


Monday, June 3, 2013

I’m back

I’m back.
I’ve been busy working on my house and it is superb. The wonder of me is, once again, wonderful. I wonder that I can confine all of my supebosity to one lifetime.
I only screamed motherf#@cker one time this week when putting a new sink in my bathroom, or as the packaging says – lavatory. I hadn’t heard that word since grammar school – lavatory. What a hoot.

I went caught a dose of poison ivy. No, not in my bathroom out by the front stairs where I did some cement work and reattached the wrought iron railing to the front landing. It went remarkably well.  Was going to go out and finesse it a bit, but it’s fine and I’d end up screwing it up, so I’m just leaving it alone.

There was an ad in the paper at the local university for an editor for the social media section. I entertained applying for two minutes. I can barely use facebook, I have a linkedin space I have no idea how to use, and on the rare occasion I tweet it goes nowhere because I have no followers and frankly, don’t want any. This is how my mom must have felt when cable TV came along.

I’m looking forward to a nice run today in the rain. I love that.

I’ll tell you guys some cancer stuff tomorrow.

See ya,
